What We’re Growing In 2021

Do you have your garden planned out yet for next year? I know, I know. It's only December. There's snow on the ground and we're barely into winter yet. But it's this time of year when I start getting the itch to work the soil. You know what I mean? When the days are short,... Continue Reading →

Do You Need a Rooster?

The answer is no. And yes. Confused yet? Let me explain. There are a lot of myths about raising chickens, shared by well meaning people. I've heard many of them, including the one about needing to have a rooster in order for your hens to lay eggs. This, of course, isn't true. Technically, the only... Continue Reading →

Celebrate Your First Fruits

Gardening is hard stuff. It's not just the weeding. Or the ground prep. Or the manual labor. It's also getting your seed placement and timing right. It's understanding how soil temps will affect germination, and knowing just how long to harden off those beautiful transplants you've been worrying over for the past week. It's all... Continue Reading →

We Don’t Do It Because It’s Easy

When you're dreaming about farming or homesteading, it's easy to be consumed with the exciting things. Baby chicks. Fresh eggs. Pulling the season's first sun ripened tomato from the vine. Sun drenched fields of green on still summer days with cotton puff clouds softly floating by overhead. You know, the things we usually take pictures... Continue Reading →

Do You Ever Feel Like an Impostor?

There I was. Standing in the barn with both hands firmly wrapped around the legs of a squealing three week old male pig. I held it up as the vet made an incision across each testicle, beginning the castration process. And the first squeal sent Charlotte charging at us. I had dreaded the moment most... Continue Reading →

Adding Pigs to the Homestead

We weren't going to do it. At least not this soon. Adding pigs to the homestead was pretty low on the list of priorities. But then Facebook Marketplace happened. You know how that goes. A good deal too good to pass came along and...well... we decided to take a leap. We want to be a... Continue Reading →

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